Description : inspiration + abstraction of design. Finding out thw source of design and how we formed design

At this project we are require to create an idea of a functional machine using unwanted objects and illustrate how does the machine works in a2 size of cartridge paper
We allowed to design 5 types of machines. The machines are as follows :
1.      Seed planter
2.      Infofeeder
3.      Cargo transporter
4.      People mover
5.      Debris collector
The requirements are unwanted stuffs, tools, toys, screw drivers, pliers, hot glue gun, etc

For this project I use some unwanted materials such as printer, laptop, credit card machine, remote control,  CPU,and mixer.


All unwanted stuffs from recycle place


Debris collector with whole body of old printer

My first design for this functional machine is a debris collector. However this design still use the body of printer. So it was not show a creation machine by my own.
This project aimed to gain and encourage our creative imagination to create something new from old stuffs without show the identity of the stuffs that we chose to use for.

New design idea , change to people mover

Explanation for each part or each machine in the people mover

Explanation for the steps how the people mover works

Final progression, I decided to design a people mover for lift elevator. this is an environmentally people mover machine, because use the solar cell as the power energy. This machine also includes an electrostatic lightning rod, to protect the whole machine from thunder attack.
This machine created by the linear organization .


Thunder passer description :
-  Use solar cell
- Created by linear organization
- Has electrostatic lightning rod
- Main function as a lift elevator to move people and objects (things)
- Environmentally friendly as the characteristic

 This people mover machine is an electrical device that converts the energy of lights (sun) directly into electricity. This machine use solar cell and solar panel to generate whole machine based on the function of each parts.

- Solar panel : to absorb the sun lights
- Electrostatic lighting rod : to prevent / obstruct lightning with wide range capability ( by use radius).
- Insulator : contrasts with semiconductors and conductors, also to break down voltage to inhibit/ obstruct electric current
- Generator : to generating whole people mover machine (the energy from the inverter of solar cell).
- Transformer ( voltage control) : useful for changing the voltage of alternating current to indicate the machine is on or off
- Battery ( power storage ) : to keep / store the energy
- Inverter : to inverting the energy from solar cell to the static energy.


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