In this subject, we continue to learn about history and theories, but specifically the architecture in Asia. We learned about how the civilization of architecture in Asia, about the contextual architecture, history of china architecture, history of Indian and southeast architecture, Malaysian architecture., modernity and nation state, postmodernity in Asia, and complexities of globalisation.

In this subject, we have 3 assignments. the topic proposal, research poster and contextual architectural research.

In this project we have to choose one topic of our research. Our group decided to choose conservation about Penang shophouses. Our first topic is "How the heritage of traditional shophouses on Armenian street Penang is being influenced by commercialisation from the 1990- 2010s".
Furthermore, after had some tutorial, we decided to change our topic about the traditional straits electic shophouses "How the Penang heritage zone is being influence by commercialisation from the 18th - 21st century.


After the topic proposal, we were to create a research poster regarding to our research. Our first step at here was to create some questions and do research by our own and then, we combined all into one file to show to our tutor. the next step was the poster layout. it was a bit tough for this part because we are not really good at poster arrangement. However, from this project, personally, i learnt more about doing research without copy common web or article, but i have to read books, find official articles and web, and do own research as well.

In this new project, we recquired to choose one building in Asia, in order to research the building's contextual architecture. Our group decided to choose Sn Yat Sen Museum in Penang as the site. We choose this building due to our first research about Malaysian shophouses. and the Sun Yat Sen Museum also located at Penang. In this project, we have to choose the building, and make the a2 board by group. However, for each research we have to make individually, and the marks also will be taken individually. There are 6 elements that given to us. And i chose number 3 "Features related to he form of the building". At this elements, i have to research about the features, characteristic, that related to the form of this museum or shophoses. So, this topic not only about the Sun Yat Sen museum it self, but also about all shophouses in Armenian street, Penang.


In this subject, we (BIA students) combined with architecture students. This is our 2nd times to learn together for history of architecture. And for my group, we have 3 interior students and 3 architecture students. Personally, in this group i have learnt a lot how to combine our thoughts and design together. Misunderstanding, miscommunication, miscooperation, is normal in group, but i learnt how to respect each other, and tried to do my best. Because this is a group work, so i have to drown all of my ego. emotion, and point of view. Combined with architecture students in our group was a bit hard because we never known each other, but i learnt to cooperative and respect each other. I appreciate all of my groupmates that give me new experience.


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