GET - TO - KNOW The Architect

in this first project, we were given one architect from the 7 architect list.
I got Bryan Cantley as the architect. So, it means, the next project 2 and final project, my architect is Bryan Cantley. Then, in this project my tutor is Ms Diana.

First Progression

The first task that we have to do is to make 5 info graphic about the architect. In this info graphic we have to give an introduction, content, and keywords of the architect.

The first info graphic design

The second info graphic design

The third info graphic design

The fourth info graphic design

The fifth info graphic design (Cantley's popular works)

Second Progression ( visual research)
After the 5 infographics, we have to make a visual research on a2 size. In this task we can do either digital render or manual render. We can compose such the photos and title by digital, but the words inside should be written manually.

The first Visual research design on butter paper by manual.
From the feed back by lecturers, i should compose the photos better. Make those bigger and clearer. Also the keywords should be put inside the visual research.

The first visual research design by photoshop

The second visual research design by photoshop.
Feedback : There are more empty space

The third visual research design by photoshop
Feedback : The photos composition is too overlaping

The fourth visual research design by photoshhop
Feedback : Good improvement, but should give color 

The fifth visual research design by photoshop written manually
Feed back : Recompose again to be better and the palimptes building direction should change

Third progression (visual narrative)

While the progression of visual research, we also need to design a visual narrative on a3 size. In this visual narrative we have to create a space and the design of bed room, bath room, kitchen, and working area.
The first visual narrative design on butter paper
Feedback : The design is too normal. Too Organic for Bryan Cantley. So, it was definitely wrong.
Suggestion : Should change it better and make it in 3d (model).

The second visual narrative design in 3d model
Feedback : Should give the background and at the some part should give a yellow sticker or something bright to make the color contrast.

Final Progression Project 1 For Visual Research and Visual Narrative

The PRE-FINAL project 1 visual research
Feedback : The title for the content or the words should be contrast. Either type by digital or write in different or bright color.

The FINAL project 1 visual research 
Consideration : If i type by digital in photoshop for the content's title, and put around the sentences column, will look messy and unorganized.
So, i decided to edit in photoshop, to give orange color (same withe font color) foe each title.

The PRE-FINAL project 1 visual narrative
Feedback : Should have background and the title for each activities in the visual narrative.

The FINAL project 1 visual narrative
consideration : Because of the model colored by black and grey, so i should put yellow sticker onto some parts. Then the background i have to give black and white color. 
Than the title of each activities, colored by orange, prefer to the color font of the visual research.



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