For this project, there are 2 tasks that we need to accomplish. First is to make narrative story about apocalypse or how the world will end. Then, the second is to make the conceptual model based to the keywords that taken from our narrative story.


Tricothomy name comes from my narrative story that at the end of the world, aliens, monsters, and mutants will be together controlling the planet earth under their authorization
Tricothomy also show that there are 3 modes in this model become 1. The normal mode, the lighting mode and glow in the dark mode.

The keywords of insert, shown as the little box underground with some part of the model inserted inside the box. While the glow in the dark color of that box will indicate the keywords of burn.
The burgeon will be shown as the transparent glow hollow stick and the continuously shape of circle.
The fusion, shown as the cylinder light and the spread out transparent plastic.
Last, the wires indicate as the keywords of controll.

The final model

The final board

The video of TRICOTHOMY, to look more detail at the shape and texture


First, we need to create story boards minimum 9 and maximum is 12 or can be more, based to the tutor approval. After that, we need to create the narrative story minimum 200 words to tell the whole story based to the storyboards

The overall storyboards that also used for the crit 1

The narrative story :
In the outer space far away from the planet earth, the Queen Armageddon leads the alien colony and every outer space creation. One day the Queen gathered with her leaders for an enormous plan to destroy the planet earth and its creation and also to take control the planet earth. Hence, the queen commands to all of the scientist to do a mission where they need to make pathogen cell from their monsters through scientific process. After the pathogen cells created, the next step is sterilization and capsulation. Then, they receive the mission to go to the planet earth.
They implanting all of the pathogens everywhere in the earth. After that, they are waiting for the perfect time for the monsters and alien to react, an

The story board in manual sketch and photoshop render

After the storyboard finished, we need to determine our keywords. Minimum should be 3 and maximum 5. From the story, the characteristic, the plot, we should be able to decide our keyword for the conceptual model. Then, once we know about those keywords, we need to produce some design development either by sketch or prototype. Hence, after the prototype approved by our tutor, then we need to continue to the real model or sculpture.
For mine, i have 5 keywords that approved already by my tutor. those keywords are burgeon, insert, controll, burn, and fusion.

First prototype and not to scale

Second prototype 

The model in normal mode

The model when the lights on

The model with lights on in dark room

The model at dark to show the glow in the dark

A1 portrait presentation board



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