Project 2 - Decisive Moment


After learn about vector landscape illustration for exercise 2, students required to continue project 2 about a decisive moment where we have to design or draw a background, and draw a character illustration with some movement, and make it into GIF.

Think of a moment in time that changed the world forever. Or a scene in a movie that turned the tide of the story. Or a particular part of a video game that made you rejoice or cry along with the character. Or a memorable chapter in your favorite book that made you return to read it again and again. 

These are decisive moments that impacted a story and you as an audience. Whether the moments are based on real-life events or fictional narratives, human psychology is easily affected by moments like these. 

As a designer, you are to capture these moments and translate them into a single piece of animated artwork -  Capture the unique, fleeting, and meaningful moment of that time, ideally one involving movement and action. 

-  Create a sophisticated background to the subject that interacts both visually and psychologically with the subject in a synergistically meaningful figure/ground relationship. 

-  Exercise anticipation, ambiguity, and uncertainty of the moment as a visual gap, interval, or suspension of some kind through the animation loop.

-  Provide a logline to describe the moments, but not enough to reveal the whole story behind the picture.


During the briefing about this project, as a big fan of marvel The Avenger,  I was thinking for some character with the decisive moment, such as :

- The moment when iron man snaps his finger

- The moment when Thor get back his lightning power again

- The moment when captain America able to use thor's hammer

After some exploration, I decided to choose the moment of Captain America.

I plan to illustrate and trace the captain America standing and make the hammer spin to him. When Captain America catches the hammer, it will show the lightning sparks out.

Next is some postures/position of Captain America, as my reference. From those postures, I will choose the most suitable position, and to illustrate that picture.

After some consideration, I chose option 3 pictures to continue further. 
The next plan is to trace the captain America, make the hammer spin (GIF), and make the suitable background illustration.

Captain America Vector Illustration



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