In this project, we require to choose one room to re-design the lighting sources and natural ventilation. We need to observe about the discomfort or problems with the existing lighting and the natural ventilaton.
Hence, I decided to choose my new bedroom in my hometown which is located in Manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia.
The size of the room is 5000mm [W] x 4500mm [L] x 3600mm [H]. This size, includes the bathroom. This room include of queen size bed, sofa-bed, 2 bed table, tv cabinet with tv, cupboard, study table, and 1 pair of windows.

View to the study table   
View to the TV cabinet
View to the wardrobe and study table      
View to the study table and TV cabinet
View to the bed and the windows
Lighting analysis :
- The natural ventilation, which is the window, is located facing to the east side. Therefore, in morning till afternoon, the room has enough natural lighting sources without lamp.
- For the existing lighting in this room, there are 5 cool white downlight. Consisting 2 pair of parallel light and 1 single light.
- For additional lights (not the main bed room), consist of 1 bathroom downlight with cool white color, and 1 outside downlight with daylight color
The natural light from outside, is able to lightened the room from morning till afternoon.

The natural sunlight direction. The windows, facing to the east side
4 main downlights at this room. (lights off)
Parallel 1 for the 2 downlights.

Parallel 2 for the other 2 downlights
Another single downlight with cool white color at the study table area

The sunlight effect to the room

Natural sunlight when the windows are open             
Problems / discomforts :
-        Do not have night lights or sleep lights
-        Non energy saving (use fluorescent lights)
-        All lights are cool white color and too bright
The problem of this room, is the lighting at night. This room doesn’t have sleep light and bed light or any warm-white lighting. This situation makes people feel not comfortable to sleep at this room. Side from that, there is a hole, that proposed for coves light. However, the light still not exist there.  So, the only way at night, is to open 1 single cool white light that located at study table area, or to off all light sources.
The other discomfort is the room furniture’s mostly in white color and the lighting is in cool white. It caused this room become too bright. This room will need some warm white lighting to balance with all of the white furnitures and lights.
At night, when we open the parallel light, it is too bright for people to sleep comfortable.

The only way, is to switch on the single downlight at study table area. But, since the color is cool white, it feels not comfortable enough to get a better sleep.
The coves light position that still empty (no light). Proposed to make as a sleep light, but it was too bright and not comfortable. So, they took away that light and until now, still empty.

Plan for the new solutions
1.      Change the parallel light
To make an eco-friendly design, I need to use the function of the natural sunlight. Fortunately, the sunlight come into this room. So, I can use this advantage for the eco-friendly design. Somehow, the natural sunlight will not able to lightened this room perfectly. In some situation, the sunlight will be bright, and some will be darker.
Hence, I will mix the sunlight and the parallel lights together.
The problem is, the existing parallel light is not in the correct way, to apply this design. Therefore, I decided to change the parallel light wiring.
The old lighting plan sketch (left) and new lighting plan sketch to show the position of the old parallel and the sun direction in old and new design.
The old design and new design of the parallel lights.

2.      Fluorescent to LED light
To make an eco-friendly design, I also decided to change all the fluorescent to LED lights for more energy saving.
There are 2 types of LED lights that will applied to this room.
1.      Philips LED scene switch 9W energy saving with 3 steps cool white. So, the light can use the full power 100%, 40%, and 10%.
This type of LED lights, will be applied to the 4 main lights, bathroom light, and outside (balcony) light.
The plan for the LED light at the main area, bathroom, and balcony.

2.      Philips LED scene switch 9.5W energy saving which can switch from cool white to warm white.
This will be applied to the light at study table area. The purpose I choose this type of light, because of the dual function. The cool white light will be needed when people need to do works at the table and the warm light will be useful when people want to sleep. So, even the coves light off, they still can use this warm white light for sleep.


3.      Notes
In this room, all the downlights use the cover/ reflector. Hence, in the new design, to save cost, the cover/ reflector will still remain and only the lights bulb will change to LED lights.

3.      Coves light
To get more aesthetic, and for sleep light, I plan to put the coves light with using T5 LED warm white with 18W energy saving. I will put 2 T5 inside that coves light hole. This light also saving energy so will not use a lot of electricity.

 Philips T5 LED warm light 18W 90cm

Te T5 warm white location at the coves lights hole.

4.      LED strip light
Since the table and tv cabinet still empty, then I’m planning to put Opple Led strip with warm light. The reason of this idea, is to make the furniture and some of the accessories (painting) more interesting. Side from that, this as sleep light.
 Specifically, this LED strip will applied in table top, table shelfs for accessories, tv cabinet, and the accessories shelfs at tv cabinet.

Opple LED strip warm light 8W

The LED strip light position at the study table and the tv cabinet.

5.      LED light for side table lamp
Since next to my bed got 2 bed table, I will put 2 bed table with using Philips LED 9W warm white and 88% energy saving. So, the function for this idea, is to give a bed light that can be easily for people to switch on/off from their bed. They can turn on the coves light, the single LED light at the study table area, or they just can to switch side table lamp

Philips LED 9W warm white and 88% energy saving

Side table lamp cover and support

      Subject : Building Science And Services
      Project 1:  Lighting And VAC Design For Comfort
      Lecturer : Ms Sharon The Ai Ping

      Name : David Johanes Palar
      Student ID : 0332478
      Semester : 3 BIA


Sample pictures
Picture 1                                                        Picture 2
Philips LED scene switch 9W                                Philips LED scene switch 9.5W  

Picture 3                                                             Picture 4
Philips T5 Led light 18W 90cm                                    Opple LED strip light 8W

Picture 3                                                            Picture 6
Philips LED warm white 5W                                        Bed side lamp cover and support


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