In this week, student were introduced to the first assignment which is "Vormator Shape". where we have to create a character based from the 8 given shape. This given shape is such a boundaries and reference for us to develop our character. To create interesting characters, we have to think the way out of the box. 

With my experience in Interior Architecture study, sketch development is really need and important. Our brain cannot think a character 100 percent perfectly. We need sketch where we can put our preliminary ideas and developed it. Therfore in my preliminary character design, i started with some sketches rather than started in Adobe Illustrator


In week 2, I started to develop the sketches into adobe illustrator. In this stage, I developed some lines and colors. First time using aibe illustrator was the main challenging things in this week. Fortunately, with some experience in photoshop, i was able to learn shortly.
Aside from the progress of the vormator character, as a practice in class, I learn how to make a landscape view. this task is much easier compare to the character design.

Final Outcome


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